allow or enable to escape from confinement; set free.
allow (something) to move, act, or flow freely.
We must stop holding on to “it”… relationships, people, jobs, hurt, anger, bitterness, and pain. We must learn to release and rid ourselves of this pain. The type of pain that has turned into unwanted or unnecessary baggage.
Often times we tend to get so comfortable with where we are, the people we're around and the things we currently have in our life. We grow an uncanny attachment to these things. Now there is nothing wrong with appreciating what or who you have but understand that there is always room for growth, elevation, and greater heights. And often times elevation requires separation.
In our time of comfort, we build walls to that are meant to protect and guard us against experiencing any further pain but those very same walls we’ve built to protect us end up trapping us in a space where we can’t move forward. Now you’re left stuck in a place paralyzed in the present by what happened in the past.
There are so many levels, places and people in the world that we can explore. Honestly, we are constantly changing. Our desires change. Our tolerance levels change. Our dreams change. You find more and more of yourself when you chose to explore new things, environments, and people. However, before you can grow you must learn how to continuously cleanse your life. You must let go, release and rid yourself of any and everything that is weighing you down or holding you back in any type of way (mentally, spiritually, financially, physically).
This part, the cleansing/releasing, is ALWAYS easier said than done. It’s easy to SAY you’ve let go. It’s easy to SAY you’ve forgiven. It’s easy to SAY you are no longer angry but yet you are easily triggered by the very same thing you claim to have let go of. So have you really let go or have you just stored that hurt and pain in safe space and put on a mask to pretend that you’ve let go?
We must understand that experiencing pain, hurt, or disappointment is all a part of life. We are all meant to go through things but sometimes we make a choice to get stuck going something that was only meant to happen, change you, and evolve you into something greater. We get stuck in a place of hurt, constantly reliving what was done or what was said as if we are exempt from experiencing this type of pain. And no i am not justifying anybody being hurt. No one deserves to experience hurt or pain but it is out of our control. You can only control the way you respond.
“Release is God’s desire but my decision”
There is so much God can do for you if you allow him to do it. Of course, he wants us to be free and rid of the pain but we have to make that decision for ourselves. God will bless us with the tools, resources, people, and strength we need to overcome. We just have to make the choice, the decision to accept him and use what he has blessed us with. The same way God gives us a choice to serve him he also gives us a choice to let go of whatever pain, baggage or burdens we may be suffering from. Understand that you cannot move forward while holding on to the baggage from the past.
What you think you’re holding on to is actually holding you. Free yourself from your own personal confinement. The toxic environments and situations have become normal to you. They have been justified. But it is time to let go. Make the choice to day to release the very thing you think you have to hold. Do not settle. Do not get too comfortable. Take time to hurt, and then MAKE time to heal. Let’s cleanse our life. Let’s R E L E A S E.