It's Okay to Grow & Detach


Often times we get pulled into this toxic realm that we've surrounded yourself in. This includes connections and relationships with friends, family and just random people. Who you chose to surround yourself with plays a key role in YOUR happiness, success, stress, and your life overall. I've always hated that saying "birds of a feather flock together" only because I have always had my own opinion about things and made my own decisions regardless of how others felt about it. However, I never really took time to actually realize how the people around me actually influenced me more than I could even imagine.


Stay away from people that never have anything positive or uplifting to say. Now understand that there is a difference between negativity and CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. Constructive criticism is "the process of offering valid and well-reasoned opinions about the work of others, usually involving both positive and negative comments, in a friendly manner rather than an oppositional one. The purpose of 'constructive criticism is to improve the outcome." 


It is so important to a surround yourself with people that contribute to making you a better person, which includes doing and thinking right/positively. There's nothing worse than having someone around you that brings constant drama in your life or never compliments on your success but can always acknowledge your failures, flaws or downfalls. 

We tend to get so comfortable with where we are, the people we're around and the things we currently have in our life. There is nothing wrong with appreciating what/who you have but understand that there is always room for growth, elevation, greater heights. Understand that you cannot heal in the same enviornment that hurt you!


There are so many levels/places/people in the world that we can explore and you find more and more of yourself when you chose explore new things.  

But before you can grow you must learn to continuously cleanse your life. Let go of any and everything that is weighing you down or holding you back in any type of way (i.e. mentally, spiritually, financially, physically, etc.) This part is ALWAYS easier said than done!